Watch the video below with youth, then use the questions below to have a mentoring conversation with them.
How does this video inspire you?
What does it say about past failures?
The video says, "If life is a fight, you can either spend it by letting the past beat you down, or you can spend it swinging back." What does this mean to you?
It also says, "Our future will inspire us, but the present is where things get done." What does this mean to you?
The video also says, "Dreaming is just the easy part." What does this mean to you?
It also says, "When you have the presence of mind, there is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday, there is only right now." What does this mean to you?
The video ends by saying, "So today, leave nothing to chance." Will you leave nothing to chance today? How? In what areas of your life will you leave nothing to chance today (sport, academics, home life, etc.)?