
Worst Effort Plays 2

CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW THE INSTRUCTIONS to watch the video with your youth, then use the questions below to have a mentoring conversation with them.


  1. What did #92 do or not do on the play when he was rushing Michael Vick?
  2. Do you feel like slacking up on a play sometimes?
  3. What sport do you play and what position?
  4. What does someone playing in your position in your sport needs to keep doing until the whistle blows?
  5. What did #78 on the Eagles do while the play was still going on?
  6. Are you like #92 or #78? Give an example.
  7. Are you giving your best effort in other areas of your life until... (...the bell rings, the homework is done, the test is done, the paperwork is done, the dishes are done, or until the garage or back yard or your room is cleaned up).