
You Got To Be Different

Watch the Video Below With Youth, Then Use The Questions Below To Have a Mentoring Conversation With Them.

  1. What did the player at the press conference say that his coach told the team at the first day of practice?
  2. What do you think "being different" meant to this player?
  3. What does it mean to you?
  4. How will you stand out and be different amongst your peers?
  5. What do you have to do to be different?
  6. A famous quote says, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." What do you need to change to get a better result (on the court or field and in class)?
  7. Do you listen to your coach like this player says he did?
  8. What is something that your coach said to you and/or the team that really stuck in your head and heart and made a difference in your life?
  9. Have you thanked your coach like this player did? What did you say? Or what will you say?