
Violet Palmer Breaking Barriers

Watch the Video Below With Youth, Then Use The Questions Below To Have a Mentoring Conversation With Them.

  1. Violet Palmer was raised in what city?
  2. She became the first woman to do what?
  3. How did she break into the NBA? In other words, what did she do before refereeing in the NBA?
  4. While Ms. Palmer was refereeing NBA Summer League games, what did she show that she had? (work ethic, intestinal fortitude, strength, speed, good communication skills)
  5. What is work ethic? Do you have this quality? What do you need to do to develop a better work ethic?
  6. What is intestinal fortitude? Do you have this quality? What do you need to do to have more courage to press on when it is hard?
  7. Are you a good communicator? What do you need to do to improve your communication skills?